; In order to be effective, changes to this file must be acted upon ; by PK.EXE. ; ; PK.EXE should be executed in the pE directory (where pe.exe is) ; ; If you're in to wordstar commands - take a look at ws.txt. ; If you like it, rename ws.txt to key.txt and execute pk.exe ; Please note that any command in this file can be placed in ws.txt ; as well; ; ; data following semi-colons are treated as commentary ; ; key names are defined as follows ; ; f1 - means function key F1 ; ^f1 - means control key and F1 depressed ; f1 - means shift key and F1 depressed ; Alt-f1 - means alt key and F1 ; etc, etc, etc. ; ; two (or more) keys can be used for a single command as ; long as the keys in the sequence are joined with an ; underscore character, like this: ^a_c ; ; note, however, that the first key in a two key sequence cannot ; then be used as a single key. So, in the above sequence, ; ^a (alone) could not be assigned a function. It would have ; no effect. ; ; one or more spaces follow each field ; ; The ordering of keys in this file is arbitrary, put it in whatever ; order you feel is logical. ; ; While a function may have more than one key assigned, one key ; cannot be used for more than one function. ; ; Note that key names go in field one, functions in field two. ; ; 1 2 ^^_^a ^a ;these assignments allow the keyin ^^_^b ^b ;of any literal control character by ^^_^c ^c ;first typing ^ (control circumflex) ^^_^d ^d ;followed by the control character you ^^_^e ^e ;want. ^^_^f ^f ^^_^g ^g ^^_^h ^h ^^_^i ^i ^^_^j ^j ^^_^k ^k ^^_^l ^l ^^_^m ^m ^^_^n ^n ^^_^o ^o ^^_^p ^p ^^_^q ^q ^^_^r ^r ^^_^s ^s ^^_^t ^t ^^_^u ^u ^^_^v ^v ^^_^w ^w ^^_^x ^x ^^_^y ^y ^^_^z ^z ^^_^[ ^[ ^^_^\ ^\ ^^_^] ^] ^^_^^ ^^ ^^_^_ ^_ ` LastAscii ;this character will produce the last character the ;ascii window was set to - if ascii window is never ;called it will be itself. ; ; f1 - f10 ; f1 ExecuteCommand ; <- this provides a menu of all commands and f2 NextWindow ; their keystroke assignment f3 InsertDelLine f4 DeleteLine f5 FindForward f6 FindBackward f7 FloatBlock f8 PrevMark f9 GoTo f10 MatchBrace ; extended keyboard only f11 OpenDosWindow f12 StackWindows ; shift f1 - f10 f1 Menu ;another way to get to menu f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 ToggleDecHex f10 ; extended keyboard only f11 ToggleBorders f12 SetParagraphStyle ; control f1 - f10 ^f1 RecordMacro ^f2 SaveOptions ^f3 InsertDelSeg ^f4 DeleteToEol ^f5 ToggleCase ^f6 ToggleWordprocess ^f7 SetTabs ^f8 SetMarks ^f9 SizeWindow ^f10 MoveWindow ; extended keyboard only ^f11 SetLineLength ^f12 Minimize ; alt f1 - f10 Alt-f1 AsciiChart Alt-f2 Alt-f3 Alt-f4 Alt-f5 RegularExp Alt-f6 ToggleAutoTab Alt-f7 Alt-f8 Alt-f9 Alt-f10 StartUp ; extended keyboard only Alt-f11 ShowMacros Alt-f12 Maximize ; alt a-z Alt-a AlignParagraph Alt-b BlockMarkColumn Alt-c CascadeWin Alt-d DosCommand ;Alt-e Menu Alt-e EditFile ;Alt-f Menu Alt-f DefineFind Alt-g ToggleGraphics ;Alt-h Menu Alt-h ToggleHex Alt-i EditIncludeFile Alt-j JumpList Alt-k KloseWindow Alt-l BlockMarkLines Alt-m MergeFile Alt-n NewFile ;Alt-o Menu Alt-o OpenFile Alt-p PrintLines Alt-q QuickExit&Save Alt-r DefineReplace Alt-s SaveFileAs Alt-t TileWindows Alt-u UnmarkBlock Alt-v ViewOnly ;Alt-w Menu Alt-w OpenWindow Alt-x Exit Alt-y DefineTag Alt-z ZoomWindows ; alt 1 - 0 Alt-1 SingleLineBox Alt-2 DoubleLineBox Alt-3 TwoDownBox Alt-4 TwoAcrossBox Alt-5 ThickLineBox Alt-6 ASCIIOneBox Alt-7 ASCIITwoBox Alt-8 ASCIIThreeBox Alt-9 ASCIIFourBox Alt-0 UndoBlock Alt-- ManifestFilename Alt-= ManifestCalcValue ; numeric keypad home Home end End ^home PageTop ^end PageBottom ins Ins del Del up Up right Right down Down left Left ^i TabRight tab TabLeft grey- Cut grey+ Paste grey* CopyToScrap pgup PgUp pgdn PgDn ^pgup FileTop ^pgdn FileBottom ^right WordRight ^left WordLeft ; control key combinations ^a_c Center ^a_l LeftFlush ^a_r RightFlush ^c Calculator ^d_d DateEntry ^d_t TimeEntry ^del UndeleteBlock ;^e EditFile ^e RightEdge ;^f DefineFind ^h BackSpace ^k_k BlockMarkStream ;also control right mouse ^k_f FillBlock ^k_d SingleSpace ^k_l LowerCase ^k_m MoveBlock ^k_n DoubleSpace ^k_s SaveFile ^k_t MarkWord ^k_u UpperCase ^k_w WriteBlock ^k_x RestoreLine ^m Enter ^n InsertLine ;^o OpenFile ^q_b InsertDelBlock ^q_j JoinLine ^q_l LeaveEditorNow ^q_n WordCount ^q_t InsertDelWord ^q_u DupLine ^q_w ParagraphUp ^q_y DeleteToEol ^q_z ParagraphDown ^r RepeatChar ^s SortBlock ^t DeleteWord ^bs DeletePrevWord ^y DeleteLine ^u InsertDelLine ^v_h HorizontalRuler ^v_v VerticalRuler ^v_u ToggleUnixLines ^v_x ToggleLines ^v_t CursorToTop ^v_c CursorToCtr ^v_b CursorToBot ^v_a ASCIIChart ;^w OpenWindow ^w LeftEdge ^[ CancelOp ^\ ToggleMacro ^_ ClearMacro ; extended keyboard extra keys Alt-enter OpenLine ^up CursorToTop ^5 CursorToCtr ^down CursorToBot ^- ^+ ^* AppendToScrap ^ins ^/ Alt-home Alt-end Alt-UP ScrollUp Alt-DOWN ScrollDown Alt-LEFT ScrollLeft Alt-RIGHT ScrollRight Alt-pgup Alt-pgdn Alt-ins Alt-del Alt-/ Delay Alt-tab ; ; commands below are not assigned to any keys ; SetColors SetInsRpl DisplayOwner SetBackup SetCursor ToggleMenu ;LeftEdge ;RightEdge